What We Do
There are so many services available in Sault Ste. Marie and Algoma. Even though these recourses are open to the community at large it can be difficult for community members to know where to look to obtain the goods and services they need. Phoenix Rising Women's Centre is a community resource centre that dedicated in it's effort of helping individuals gain access to what they need.
1 /Phoenix Rising Non- Profit Homes • 705 945 5137
Women's Non-profit Housing.
2 / SSM Social Housing Application Centre • 705 750 7748
​SSM Social Housing Application Centre 705 750 7748
3 / Ontario Aboriginal Housing Services • 1-866-391-1061
Ontario Aboriginal Housing Support Services Corp operates as a real estate owner and developer. The Company offers homes and apartments, as well as inspection, financial, property management, and capital planning services. Ontario Aboriginal Housing Support Services serves customers in Canada.
1 / Nimkii-Naabkwagon Family Crisis Shelter •
705 941 9054
Indigenous Family Shelter that provides a safe haven for women and children leaving abusive homes. They offer short term counselling and referrals to resources in the community.
2 /Pauline’s Place • 705 759 4663
Pauline's Place is a 19 bed shelter that provides emergency short term housing for youth, women, and families who are experiencing a housing crisis.
3 / Women in Crisis • 705 759 1230
Women In Crisis provides free temporary emergency shelter & support services 24 hours a day / 7 days a week for women who have or are experiencing abuse & violence.
4 / St. Vincent’s Place • 705 253 2770
St. Vincent Place is a creation of St. Vincent de Paul for the community of Sault Ste. Marie in response to a call for an entity to provide shelter for men over 18 years of age in need of emergency shelter.
1 / Algoma Community Legal Clinic • 705 942 4900
The Algoma Community Legal Clinic is a law office in Sault Ste. Marie, ON funded by Legal Aid Ontario. It is staffed by lawyers, community legal workers and support staff, who provide free legal advice and representation to eligible clients in certain areas of law of the Sault Ste. Marie and surrounding Algoma District.
1 /Phoenix Rising Women's Centre • 705 945 5137
Wednesdays • Food Security
Phoenix Rising continues to support the women of Sault Ste. Marie and surrounding area by providing access to food items. The Items are stocked on our giveaway shelves with the intention that those who need them will take them. The shelves are stocked every Wednesday. Please bring reusable bags if you plan on taking food home.
Thursdays • Soup's On
A meal served in the Centre every Thursday. 11:30 am start and goes till the Centre closed at 4:00pm or until the food is gone. Check our Social media to see what is on the menu.
2 / SSM Social Housing Application Centre • 705 750 7748
​SSM Social Housing Application Centre 705 750 7748
3 / Ontario Aboriginal Housing Services • 1-866-391-1061
Ontario Aboriginal Housing Support Services Corp operates as a real estate owner and developer. The Company offers homes and apartments, as well as inspection, financial, property management, and capital planning services. Ontario Aboriginal Housing Support Services serves customers in Canada.